Publications at Princess Sumaya University For Technology (PSUT), Jordan
Founded in 1991, Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) is the only private and non-profit university in Jordan. It is owned by the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), the foremost applied research center in Jordan. Like RSS, PSUT is part of El Hassan Science City located in Amman, Jordan. PSUT''s main mission is to educate students and qualify them to pursue careers in the fields of information and communications technology (ICT), electronics, computer engineering, communication engineering, and business.
Journal Research Paper
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 35 (1), 2023. (Clarivate ISI IF = 6.9, Scopus CS = 6.9, Q1)​
A Lightweight Double-Stage Scheme to Identify Malicious DNS over HTTPS Traffic Using a Hybrid Learning Approach.
Sensors 2023, 23, 3489. (Clarivate ISI IF = 3.9, Scopus CS = 6.8, Q1)
Capturing low-rate DDoS attack based on MQTT protocol in software Defined-IoT environment.
Array, Elsevier, Vol.19, 2023. (ISI ESCI, Scopus CS = 5.6, Q1)
Intelligent Systems with Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 17, 200167, Feb. 2023. (ESCI, Scopus CS = 7.5, Q1
Effective One-Class Classifier Model for Memory Dump Malware Detection.
​Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, MDPI, Vol. 12(5), 2023. (Clarivate ISI IF = 3.5, Scopus CS = 7.6, Q1)
Empirical Evaluation of Machine Learning Performance in Forecasting Cryptocurrencies.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT), Vol.14(4), 2023 (Clarivate ISI IF = 1.0, Scopus CS = 3.1, Q2)
Applied Sciences, MDPI. 2023, 13, 4956. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.7, Scopus CS = 4.5, Q1)
Efficient Mobile Sink Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Bipartite Graphs.
Future Internet 2023, 15, 182. (Clarivate ISI IF = 3.4, Scopus CS = 6.7, Q1)
Spyware Identification for Android Systems Using Fine Trees.
Information, MDPI, Vol. 12(4), 2023. (Clarivate ISI IF = 3.1, Scopus CS = 5.8, Q2).
Medical image encryption techniques: a technical survey and potential challenges.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 13(3), 2023, (ESCI, Scopus CS = 3.8, Q2)
Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation Using Mutation Model and Generative Adversarial Network.
Electronics 2023, 12, 590. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.9, Scopus CS = 4.7, Q2)
AI, MDPI, Vol. 3(2), 2023 (ESCI).
Adversarial Deep Learning in Anomaly based Intrusion Detection Systems for IoT Environments.
International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies(IJWMT), Vol.13, No.4, Aug. 2023 (ESCI).
High-performance intrusion detection system for networked UAVs via deep learning.
Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA), Springer, 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 6.0, Scopus CS = 10.0, Q1)
Boost-Defence for resilient IoT networks: A head-to-toe approach.
Expert Systems, e12934. By Wiley, 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.59, Scopus CS = 4.7, Q1).
Attack-Aware IoT Network Traffic Routing Leveraging Ensemble Learning.
Sensors, MDPI, Vol. 22 (1), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 3.58, PubMed, Scopus CS = 6.4, Q1).
Asymmetric Identification Model for Human-Robot Contacts via Supervised Learning.
Symmetry, MDPI, Vol. 14(3), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.95, Scopus CS = 4.3, Q1)
Leveraging ShuffleNet Transfer Learning to Enhance Handwritten Character Recognition.
Gene Expression Patterns (GEP), Elsevier, 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 1.5, Scopus CS = 2.2)
ELBA-IoT: An Ensemble Learning Model for Botnet Attack Detection in IoT Networks.
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (JSAN), MDPI, Vol. 11(1), 2022. (ESCI, Scopus CS = 6.9, Q1)
Machine-Learning-Based Darknet Traffic Detection System for IoT Applications​.
Electronics, MDPI, Vol. 11(4), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.4, Scopus CS = 3.7, Q2)
Energies, MDPI, Vol. 10 (17), 2021. (ISI IF = 3.004, Scopus CS = 5.0, Q1)
Frontiers in Big Data, Cybersecurity and Privacy, 2022.(ISI IF = 3.1, Scopus CS = 4.6, Q2)
Hybrid Encryption Scheme for Medical Imaging Using AutoEncoder and Advanced Encryption Standard.
Electronics, MDPI, Vol. 11(23), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.9, Scopus CS = 4.7, Q2)
DDoS Attack Prevention for Internet of Thing Devices Using Ethereum Blockchain Technology.
Sensors, MDPI, Vol. 22(18), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 3.9, Scopus CS = 6.8, Q1)
An Intrusion Detection and Classification System for IoT Traffic with Improved Data Engineering.
Applied Sciences, MDPI, Vol. 23(12), 2022(Clarivate ISI IF = 2.7, Scopus CS = 4.5, Q1)
Analysis of Blockchain in the Healthcare Sector: Application and Issues.
Symmetry, MDPI, Vol. 14(9), 2022. (ISI IF = 2.7, Scopus CS = 4.9, Q1)
Big Data and Cognitive Computing, MDPI, Vol. 6(4), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 3.7, Scopus CS = 4.7, Q1)
Electronics, MDPI, Vol. 11(20), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.9, Scopus CS = 4.7, Q2)
PDF Malware Detection Based on Optimizable Decision Trees.
Electronics, MDPI, Vol. 11(19), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.9, Scopus CS = 4.7, Q2)
A Lightweight In-Vehicle Alcohol Detection Using Smart Sensing and Supervised Learning.
Computers, MDPI, Vol. 11(8), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.8, Scopus CS = 4.7, Q2)
Symmetrical Simulation Scheme for Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Vehicles Based on LSTM Model.
Symmetry, MDPI, Vol. 14(7), 2022. (ISI IF = 2.95, Scopus CS = 4.3, Q1)
Applied Sciences, MDPI, Vol. 22 (1), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.7, Scopus CS = 3.7, Q2)
MID-Crypt: A Cryptographic Algorithm for Advanced Medical Images Protection.
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, MDPI, Vol. 12(10), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 3.5, Scopus CS = 7.6, Q1)
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Science and Information (SAI), Vol. 13(8), 2022. (Clarivate ISI IF = 0.9, Scopus CS = 2.1, Q3)
Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions for Autonomous Vehicles via Deep Learning​.
AI, MDPI, Vol. 3(2), 2022 (ESCI).
Conference Paper
- Protecting Critical National Infrastructures: An Overview of Cyber Attacks and Countermeasures.
- ACCEPTED, 7th World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (7th WorldS4 2023), Lecture Notes In Network Systems (LNNS), Springer, 2023.
- Enhancing Password Security via Supervised Learning.
- ACCEPTED, 11th IEEE 2023 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), IEEE, 2023.
- Enhancing Financial System Resilience Against Cyber Threats via SWIFT Customer Security Framework.
- ACCEPTED, 11th IEEE 2023 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), IEEE, 2023.
- An empirical study on utilizing online k-means clustering for intrusion detection purposes.
- ACCEPTED, 5th International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking 2023 (SmartNets 2023), IEEE, 2023.
- UNI-CERT: A Unified Computer Emergency Response Teams Model for Malware Information Sharing Platform.
- ACCEPTED, 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS 2023), IEEE, 2023.
- Towards Detecting Digital Criminal Activities Using File System Analysis.
- 4th International Conference on Data Analytics & Management (ICDAM-2023), Lecture Notes In Network Systems (LNNS), Springer, 2023.
- Facilitating Secure Web Browsing By Utilizing Supervised Filtration of Malicious URLs.
- International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICICNIS 2023), Lecture Notes In Network Systems (LNNS), Springer, 2023.
- Security Comparison of Blockchain and Cloud-Based Identity Management: Considering the Scalability Problem.
- IEEE 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2023), IEEE, 2023.
- Memory Malware Identification via Machine learning.
- 4th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (ICMCSI 2023), ACCEPTED, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Springer, 2023.
- Analyzing Malware From API Call Sequences Using Support Vector Machines.
International Conference on Cybersecurity, Cybercrimes, & Smart Emerging Technologies (ICCCSET2022).Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems and Critical Infrastructures. Springer, 2022.
Time-Series Analysis of Cryptocurrency Price: Bitcoin as a Case Study.
International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer and Information Technology 2022 (ICEECIT 2022) ACCEPTED, IEEE, 2022.
14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN2022), IEEE, 2022.
Prevention of Phishing Website Attacks in Online Banking Systems Using Visual Cryptography.
6th Smart Cities Symposium (6SCS), IET Inspec, IEEE, 2022.
Formal Methods for the Verification of Smart Contracts: A Review.
15th IEEE International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SINConf 2022), ACCEPTED, IEEE, 2022.
A Performance Evaluation Study to optimize Encryption as a Service (EaaS).
3rd International Conference on Sustainable Expert Systems (ICSES - 2022), Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Springer, 2022. (Scopus).
Identifying Memory Dump Malware Using Supervised Learning.
​4th International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems (ICCCES-2022), ACCEPTED, Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Springer, 2022.
IDPS-SDN-ML: An Intrusion Detection and Prevention System Using SDN and Machine Learning.
International Conference on Smart Technology, Applied Informatics, and Engineering (APICS-2022), IEEE, 2022.
Lightweight Detection System for Low-Rate DDoS Attack on Software-Defined-IoT
6th Smart Cities Symposium (6SCS), IET Inspec, IEEE, 2022.
Efficient Machine-Learning Based 3D Face Identification System Under Large Pose Variation.
14th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI2022), ACCEPTED, Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence/Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Springer, 2022.
Tor Network Traffic Classification Using Machine Learning Based on Time-Related Feature.
ACCEPTED, 6th Smart Cities Symposium (6SCS), IET Inspec, IEEE, 2022.
Short Survey on Using Blockchain Technology in Modern Wireless Networks, IoT and Smart Grids.
International Conference on Cybersecurity, Cybercrimes, and Smart Emerging Technologies (ICCCSET2022), ACCEPTED, Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems and Critical Infrastructures, Springer, 2022.
Smart Boosted Model for Behavior-Based Malware Analysis and Detection.
International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICICNIS2022 ), ACCEPTED, Lecture Notes In Networks and Systems (LNNS), Springer, 2022.
URL-based Phishing Websites Detection via Machine Learning.
2021 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry (ICDABI), pp. 644-649, 2021.
ULIENet: User Localization in Indoor Environments via Neural Networks.
4th Smart Cities Symposium (4SCS), IET Inspec, IEEE, 2021.
Detecting Port Scanning Attacks Using Logistic Regression.
4th International Symposium on Advanced Electrical & Communication Technologies (ISAECT), IEEE, 2021.
Detection of Money Laundering in Bitcoin Transactions
4th Smart Cities Symposium (4SCS), IET Inspec, IEEE, 2021.
Early Stage Diabetes Risk Prediction via Machine Learning.
3th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2021), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, 2021.
Book Chapter
Applications of Blockchain Technology for Improving Security in Internet of Things (IoT)', Book title: Fostering security in IoT Healthcare using Blockchain Technology.
To appear in "Cognitive Data Science in Sustainable Computing " series, Elsevier. 2022. (Scopus)
Chapter: Exploration of Tools for Data Science, Book Title: Data Science with semantic technologies: Theory, Practice, and Application.
To Appear, Scrivener Publishing, Wiley, 2022. (Scopus).
Chapter: SysML Based Design of Autonomous Multi-Robot Cyber-Physical System Using Smart IoT Modules: A Case Study, Book Title: Machine Learning Techniques for Smart City Applications: Trends and Solutions.
To Appear, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, Springer, 2022. (Scopus)
Chapter: Time Series Data Air Quality Prediction Using Internet of Things (IoT( and Machine Learning Techniques)ML(, Book Title: AIoT Technologies and Applications for Smart Environments”.
To Appear, ScienceTech Publishing (An Imprint of IET), IET, 2022. (Scopus).
Chapter: Security and Privacy Challenges in Blockchain Application, Book Title: The Data-Driven Blockchain Ecosystem: Fundamentals, Applications, and Emerging Technologies” ISBN: 978-1-032-21624.
To Appear, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). 2022. (Scopus).
Chapter: Effective Learning-based Attack Detection Methods for the Internet of Things, Book Title: AIoT Technologies and Applications for Smart Environments”.
To Appear, ScienceTech Publishing (An Imprint of IET), IET, 2022. (Scopus).
PSUT University
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Khalil Saket Street
Al-Jubaiha 11941
P.O. Box 1438