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Publications at Tennessee State University (TSU), USA

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Tennessee State University (TSU) is a historically black university located in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Founded on June 19, 1912, as the Agricultural and Industrial State Normal School for Negroes, it started with the mission of providing educational opportunities for African Americans in the segregated South.

The university's early focus was on agriculture and industrial education, training students in practical skills to meet the demands of the workforce. Over the years, TSU expanded its curriculum to offer a wider range of academic programs while continuing to prioritize access to higher education for marginalized communities.Throughout its history, TSU has played a significant role in the civil rights movement and has produced numerous influential alumni who have made significant contributions to society, politics, sports, and the arts.


Journal Research Paper 


Journal Review Paper 

  • A Methodical Study for Time-Frequency Analysis Model with Experimental Case Study on Chirp Signal.

    • International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing (IJEM), Modern Education & Computer Science Press (MECS), Vol.10(2), 2020.

  • A Systemic Study of Pattern Recognition System Using Feedback Neural Networks.

    • WSEAS Transactions on Computers, World Sci. Eng. Academy & Society, 2020. (Scopus SJR = 0.117, Q4)

  • Elaborated Mathematical Model for Hydrogen-Hydrogen-Oxygen Energy Storage Cell.

    • WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, World Sci. Eng. Academy & Society, Vol.19, 2020. (Scopus SJR = 0.110, Q4).

  • A Schematic Design of HHO Cell As Green Energy Storage.

    • Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM), ZIBLINE International Publishing, Vol.3(2), 2019.


 Conference Paper   


TSU University 

Tennessee State University 

3500 John A. Merritt Blvd 

P.O. Box 9640 

Nashville TN 37209

United States of America



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