Curriculum Vitae


Research Interests
Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, IoT/CPS Modeling, and Embedded Systems.


General Skills
Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering: Static and Dynamic Analysis Tools, IDA Pro Disassembler/Debugger, OllyDbg, Wireshark.
Networking Skills: Installation, Troubleshooting, Routing, Switching, and Security.
Operating Systems Skills: Windows (All Versions), UNIX OS, and Linux.
Hardware Design Skills: FPGA/VHDL, ModelSim6.5g, Multisim, Synthesizer ISE, EMU 8086 Emulation and MDA-Win8086.
Programming Skills: Assembly, C/C++, SQL, Visual Basic, and VBA.
Graphic Design Skills: Adobe Photoshop Cs2 Me, Illustrator Cs2 Me.
Web Design Skills: MS-FrontPage, and MS-publisher.
Crypto/Mathematical Skills: Crypto Tool, Maple Soft 12.5, and MATLAB.
Technical Writing: Latex, Overleaf, Ms-Word, and MS Visio.
Experienced in ABET requirements and course outcomes assessment for accreditation purposes.

Professional Membership
​Member of International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan, 2017.
Member of International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES), 2017.
Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG), 2017.
Member of International Institute for Engineers (IIE), 2014.
Member of the Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC) – From Nov/2013.
Member of the World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology (WASET) – From Dec/2009.
Member of Jordanian Institute for Engineering (JIA) – From Feb/2005.

Awards And Honors
Received several research funds by MDPI publisher, 2021-2022.
Scholarship by International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE), USA, 2019.
Scholarship by ECE Department, Tennessee State University, USA, 2018-2020.
Honored for distinguish in Elec. Eng. Dept, King Faisal University, Saudi, 2015.
Honored for distinguish in Indus. relations committee, King Faisal University, 2015.
Honored for distinguish in public relations committee, King Faisal University, 2015.
Honored for distinguish in Engineering labs committee, King Faisal University, 2015.
Honored for contribution in engineering research, King Faisal University, 2013.
Honored for the participation in the service learning, Ministry of Labor, Saudi, 2013.
Scholarship by Comp. Eng. Dept, Jordan University of Science & Tech., 2008-2010.

Appreciation Letters
Organized a workshop Arduino μcontroller for EE students, King Faisal Uni. 2016.
Organized a workshop Avoiding Test Anxiety for EE students, King Faisal Uni. 2016.
Presented a seminar Security & Cryptography, King Faisal Uni. 2012-2015 (4 times).
Referee: 4th Scientific Conf. for Higher Education, Min. of Higher Edu. Saudi 2013.
Organized an international scientific trip for EE students, King Faisal Uni. 2013.
Presented a workshop MS-EXCEL 2013 for faculty members, King Faisal Uni. 2013.
Presented at Saudi Electricity Efficiency Forum & Exh., Min. of Water & Elec. 2012.
Presented a workshop MS-FrontPage 2013 for faculty members,King Faisal Uni. 2012.
Preparation of computer labs at Hafer Al Batin College of Technology, Saudi 2006.

Training Courses & Workshops
Training Courses and Workshops - Delivered
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
CompTIA A+ (Hardware + and Software +).
Pneumatic Systems and Applications (PSA).
Distributed Control Systems (DCS).
Webpage Design via FrontPage 2013.
Professional Writing Using Latex
Electronic Sheets Using Ms. Excel 2013+
Advanced Ms. Word for Scientific Research Purposes.
Graphic Design via Adobe Illustrator Cs2 Me.
Image Processing via Photoshop Cs2 Me.
Video Processing via Adobe Premiere 7.0