Publications at University of Petra (UoP), Jordan
Located in West of Amman, University of Petra is a home to eight faculties in a friendly campus, housing more than seven thousand undergraduate and graduate students in the faculties of: Arts and Sciences, Administrative & Financial Sciences, Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, Information Technology, Architecture & Design, Law, Mass Communication, and Engineering. The University is a hub of creating knowledge through research, developing skills, applying knowledge to new technologies and in technology transfer. The university has a friendly-use campus to unleash the minds of students to new horizons of thought, philosophy and logic. It provides an intriguing environment of freedom of thought, inquiry, interactive and blended learning and R&D facilities.
Journal Research Paper
Electronics, MDPI, Vol. 10 (17), 2021. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.4, Scopus CS = 3.7, Q2)
Machine Learning Based Mode to Identify Firewall Decisions to Improve Cyber-Defense.
International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 11, Published by INSIGHT, 2021. (Scopus CS = 1.9, Q2)
A Comprehensive Survey on Cyber-Physical System Testbed Architectures and Standards.
Electronics, MDPI, Vol. 10 (9), 2021. (Clarivate ISI IF = 2.4, Scopus CS = 3.7, Q2)
Dynamic Initial Weight Assignment for MaxSAT.
Algorithms, MDPI; Vol .14(4), 2021(ESCI, Scopus CS = 3.3, Q2)
JA Stochastic Estimation Framework for Yearly Evolution of Worldwide Electricity Consumption.
Forecasting, MDPI, Vol .3, 2021. (ESCI)
A Machine Learning Based Predictive Model for Time-Series Modelling and Analysis.
International Journal of Spatio-Temporal Data Science, Inderscience, Vol.1., No.3, 2021.
Conference Paper
On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems Against Stochastic Cyber-Attacks Models.
IEEE International IoT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), IEEE, Canada, 2021.
International Conference on Soft Computing for Security Applications (ICSCS 2021). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 2021.
Identifying Phasic dopamine releases using DarkNet-19 Convolutional Neural Network.
EE International IoT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), IEEE, Canada, 2021.
Book Chapter
Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning Methods in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics.
Book Title: Emerging Technologies in Biomedical Engineering and Sustainable TeleMedicine, Published, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, Springer, 2021.
UOP University
​Petra University
Tareeq Al-Matar, Marj Al-Hamam
P.O. Box 961343 Amman 11196 Jordan