Publications at King Faisal University (KFU), Saudi Arabia
The university was founded in 1975 by the Royal Decree No. H / 67 1395 e in the eastern region of the country. In its first year, it leased buildings, and in subsequent years it used some prefabricated buildings for the colleges. One of the main goals of the university was in the area of scientific research to be one of the basic requirements so as to address the problems of society. Since its inception, and through years of development, the university has sought to revitalize and strengthen scientific research in various fields and disciplines through intensive activity carried out by colleges and research centers, as well as through coordination with other centers from outside the university, the university has completed more than forty national research projects.
Journal Research Paper
Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Characters Using Histograms of Oriented Gradient (HOG).
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (PIRA), Springer, Vol. 28(2), 2018. (Clarivate ESCI, Scopus CS = 2.4, Q2)
Fast Radix-2 Sequential Multiplier Using Kintex-7 FPGA Chip Family.
The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal (OCSJ), Bentham Open publisher, Vol.12, 2018. (Scopus CS = 0.8, Q3)
An Arduino Based Smart Faucet Design.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT), COMPUSOFT Publisher, Vol.7(5), 2018. (Scopus CS = 0.1, Q4)
Enhanced White Cane for Visually Impaired People.
Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, Vol.12(2), 2018.
International Journal of Computers & Technology (IJCT), CIRWORLD Publishing, Vol.17(2), 2018.
A Double Stage Implementation for 1-K Pseudo RNG using LFSR and TRIVIUM.
Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems (JCSCS), University of Oradea, Vol.11(1), 2018.
FPGA implementation of variable precision Euclid’s GCD algorithm.
Journal of Engineering Technology (JoET), American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE): ISSN 0747-9964, Vol. 6(Special Issue), 2017. (Clarivate ISI Impact Factor =1.25, Scopus CS = 0.7, Q4)
Complete Microcontroller Based Vehicle Accident Detection System with Case Study for Saudi Arabia.
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, World Sci. Eng. Academy & Society, Vol.16(P15), 2017. (Scopus SJR = 0.116, Q4)
International Journal of Cyber-Security & Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), Society of Digital Information & Wireless communications (SDWIC), Vol.6(1), 2016.
A Parallel Scheduling Sequence of GF(P) Edwards Coordinates Computation for ECC.
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, Little Lion Scientific, Vol.75(2), 2015. (Scopus CS = 1.3, Q3)
Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Vol.77(3), 2014. (Clarivate ISI Impact Factor =1.67, Scopus CS = 3.1, Q2)
A Modified Lempel–Ziv Welch Source Coding Algorithm for Efficient Data Compression.
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, Little Lion Scientific, Vol. 61(1), 2014. (Scopus CS = 1.3, Q3).
Nano Temperature Sensor Based on The Adaptive Intermolecular Reactive Bond Order Potential Mode
MAGNT Research Report, BRIS Journal of Advances in S & T., Vol.2(2), 2014.
International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS), Inderscience, Vol.5(3), 2013. (Scopus CS = 0.9, Q3).
Case Study: Monitoring of AIR Quality in King Faisal University Using Microcontroller and WSN.
Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol.21, 2013. (Clarivate ESCI, Scopus CS = 3.0, Q2).
Evaluation Metrics for Wireless Sensor Network Security: Algorithms Review and Software Tool.
Journal of Computer Science (JCS), Science Publications, Vol.9(5), 2013. (Scopus CS = 1.0, Q4).
An Undergraduate Design Experience in Digital Logic Design Course of Special Purpose Arithmetic Logic Unit Using Multisim, Ultiboard & Print Circuit Board.
International Education Studies (IES), Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE), Vol.6(3), 2013. (Scopus CS = 1.0, Q3).
IRS for Computer Character Sequences Filtration: a new software tool and algorithm to support the IRS at tokenization process.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications (IJACSA), Science & Information Organization (SAI), Vol.4(1), 2013. (Clarivate ESCI, Scopus CS = 1.1, Q2).
Adaptive Channel Equalization for FBMC Based on Variable-Length Step Size and Mean-Squared Error.
International Journal of Digital Information & Wireless Communication (IJDIWC), Society of Digital Information & Wireless communications (SDWIC), Vol.3(4), 2013.
Journal Review Paper
A Systematic Expository Review of Schmidt-Samoa Cryptosystem.
Int. Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computing, Modern Education & Computer Science Press (MECS), Vol.4(2), 2018.
Investigation study of Feasible Prime Number Testing Algorithms.
ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS - Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Vol.58(3), 2017.
Reviewing and Analyzing efficient GCD/LCM Algorithms for Cryptographic Design.
International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications, Society of Digital Information & Wireless Communications (SDWIC), Vol.7(1), 2017.
Comparative Study of Efficient Modular Exponentiation Algorithms.
An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, COMPUSOFT Publisher, Vol.6(8), 2017. (Scopus CS = 0.8, Q3).
Review of Fast Multiplication Algorithms for Embedded Systems Design.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, IJSTR Publishing, Vol.6(8), 2017.
Review of Challenges in Embedded Systems Design: Robustness, Predictability, Security.
International Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology, Eureka Journals, Vol.3(1), 2017.
Conference Paper
Cost Analysis Study of Variable Parallel Prefix Adders Using Altera Cyclone IV FPGA Kit.
Int. Conf. on Electrical & Computing Technologies & Applications(ICECTA), IEEE, 2017.
Communication power analysis of applying MQV Key agreement scheme for wireless sensor network.
International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization & Signal Processing (INCOS), IEEE, 2017.
Estimating Energy Consumption of Diffie Hellman Encrypted Key Exchange (DH-EKE) for Wireless Sensor Network.
International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization & Signal Processing (INCOS), IEEE, 2017.
A Comparative Study up to 1024-bit Euclid’s GCD algorithm FPGA Implementation and Synthesizing.
5th International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications, IEEE, 2016.
Implementing variable-length pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) with fixed high frequency (1.44 GHz) via Vertix-7 FPGA family.
International Conference on Network Security & Communication Engineering (NSCE), CRC Press, Taylor Francis, 2015.
A Tiny RSA Cryptosystem Based on Arduino Microcontroller Useful for Small Scale Networks.
9th Int. Conf. on Future Networks and Communications (FNC-2014)/Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 2014.
Efficient FPGA Implementation of RSA Coprocessor Using Scalable Modules.
9th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC-2014)/Procedia Computer Science (PCS), Elsevier, 2014.
Precise Error Rate Analysis of MIMO System with Interference and Imperfect Channel State Information.
27th Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE), IEEE, 2014.
An Algorithm and Hardware Architecture for GF(2N) Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Adopting Projective Binary Hessian Elliptic Curves.
Secure Abu Dhabi’2013 Conf., Inspiring a Safe Secure Cyber World (ISC)2, 2013.
LMS-based Equalization in Filter Bank Multicarrier Wireless Communication Systems.
Int. Conf. on Digital Information Processing, E-Business & Cloud Computing (DIPECC), SDWIC, 2013.
Hardware and Software Simulation for Classical Cryptosystems.
4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems & Pervasive Networks (EUSPN)/Procedia Computer Science(PCS), Elsevier, 2013.
Hardware an 8-Bit Scientific Calculator Based Intel 8086 Virtual Machine Emulator.
4th Int. Conf. on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems & Pervasive Networks (EUSPN-13)/Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 2013.
An Engineering Design of 4-Bit Special Purpose Microprogrammed Processor.
4th Int. Conf. on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems & Pervasive Networks (EUSPN-13)/Procedia Computer Science(PCS), Elsevier, 2013.
A Power Line Data Communication Interface Using Power Line Modem in Home Automation.
Saudi Electricity Efficiency Forum & Exhibition (SEEFE), Ministry of Electricity, Saudi Arabia, 2012
Book Chapter
ISBN: 9783-659-26018-6, Published, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012.
KFU University
King Faisal University
Unit No. 1
Hufof 3959-36362
PO Box 400 - Post Code 31982
Al-Hufuf - AlAhsa
Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia